In case you have to deal with a large number of files that need converting, the application features an ‘Advanced’ mode. While toggled, you can load an entire folder or multiple files from different locations and convert them at the same time. In case you want to print the comic books or transfer them to a mobile device that can only handle a certain page size, you have the options to set the width and height, as well as the margins for the PDF pages. It can easily help you convert your CBR and CBZ files to readable PDF documents.To rename the ZIP file, right-click it in Windows Explorer, and select the option from the context menu.Ī few last wordsĪs far as practical and purpose oriented applications go, CBR and CBZ to PDF is there. You have successfully created a CBZ file by changing the extension to.cbz and then pressing Enter to confirm. The file is now ready to be used with a comic reader application.